Welcome!![]() The Crystal Springs Partnership is a group of community members, organizations, and City representatives who are working toward making the Crystal Springs Watershed a vibrant, healthy place for people and wildlife. The group is partnering local knowledge and agency expertise to develop a national model for urban watersheds. In particular, working toward ensuring that Crystal Springs Creek will have healthy urban salmon through community collaboration around education, advocacy, and restoration. Explore these pages for more information, or to join us at an event!
We’re still here! (COVID-19 Update)The Crystal Springs Partnership is still a functioning organization. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have not had any events or work parties involving the public for over a year. We have continued to monitor the creek, communicate with the Bureau of Environmental Services, Portland Parks and Rec, and other agencies and stakeholders, and conduct our monthly meetings via Zoom.
As more people become vaccinated we will return to normal operations, holding restoration work parties, outreach events, and in-person meetings. CSP YouTube channelCheck out our new YouTube channel for videos of and about Crystal Springs Creek: community, restoration, wildlife and history HERE.
News / EventsHabitat Enhancement Project at the Brannen Property Natural Area
Sunday Dec. 15th 9-Noon, 2024- details |
Everyone Has a Role to Play!
Crystal Springs is a phenomenal resource with immense value to both people and wildlife. There are many ways to get involved. Contact us for more details at [email protected]
- Join the Crystal Springs Partnership (come to a monthly meeting)
- Walk your watershed — Know your neighborhood
- Support local businesses that promote good stewardship
- Volunteer to help restoration efforts or at CSP events
- Learn about good stewardship practices and share them with your friends
- Don't feed ducks or other wildlife!
Crystal Springs:
_Crystal Springs Creek