CSP Events Calendar

Here's some upcoming events (see below for calendar):
Work Party at Brannen Natural Area Dec. 15 2024
Join the CSP, Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Portland Parks & Recreation in planting native shrubs and in removing invasive weeds in a small but beautiful natural area along Crystal Springs Creek.
Children are welcome; coffee, tea, snacks, and camaraderie will be on hand. Tools, work gloves, and buckets provided, but feel free to bring your own. Be sure to dress for the weather and wear appropriate shoes/boots.
This work party is a joint project of the Crystal Springs Partnership, Portland Parks & Recreation and the Johnson Creek Watershed Council.
Where: SE Umatilla St & SE 21st Ave
When: Sunday Dec. 15th 9-Noon, 2024
Work Party at Brannen Natural Area Dec. 15 2024
Join the CSP, Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Portland Parks & Recreation in planting native shrubs and in removing invasive weeds in a small but beautiful natural area along Crystal Springs Creek.
Children are welcome; coffee, tea, snacks, and camaraderie will be on hand. Tools, work gloves, and buckets provided, but feel free to bring your own. Be sure to dress for the weather and wear appropriate shoes/boots.
This work party is a joint project of the Crystal Springs Partnership, Portland Parks & Recreation and the Johnson Creek Watershed Council.
Where: SE Umatilla St & SE 21st Ave
When: Sunday Dec. 15th 9-Noon, 2024