Crystal Springs Creek History

Westmoreland Park under construction, circa 1934. View to the southwest.
This page will feature historical photographs, maps, oral history documents, and other historical information about Crystal Springs Creek. It is a work in progress.
1852 Cadastral map detail

This is a detail of a much larger map that shows Milwaukie, southern Portland, and the area that is now Hillsdale. The detail shows the course of Crystal Springs Creek and several tributaries. Only the northernmost tributary (just above the 'Sec. 13' notation) now remains as a surface stream, coming out of what is now Reed Canyon. One or two may represent the lower portions still exposed on the Eastmoreland Golf Course, others have been buried under home sites.
Note that at about the line labeled N89'35'W the main stem is lost in a marsh, and reemerges near the confluence with Johnson Creek, coming in from the east.
More on this later...
Note that at about the line labeled N89'35'W the main stem is lost in a marsh, and reemerges near the confluence with Johnson Creek, coming in from the east.
More on this later...
Oral History Video
Portland State University capstone students documented an oral history of Crystal Springs Creek. This video is a preview of the stories they collected.