Both the walking tour and the cycling tour followed the creek from it's confluence with Johnson Creek at Johnson Creek Park to its headwaters in Reed College Canyon (thought the cyclists met at Reed College).

Thanks to volunteers from Portland's Bureau of Environmental Services, Eastmoreland Golf Course, Reed College, The Audubon Society of Portland, Sellwood-Moreland Improvement League, Portland Parks and Recreation, Friends of Crystal Springs Creek, TriMet, residents of the watershed and other partners, the Crystal Springs Partnership was able to bring walkers and riders up to speed on many of the recent and upcoming activities along the creek.

Highlights include the 2010 culvert replacement at SE 28th Avenue crossing, the ongoing restoration between SE Tenino and SE Tacoma, the "duck roundup' and upcoming creek realignment at Westmoreland Park, and other projects.

The tour culminated in a walk through Reed Canyon, a view of the important salmon rearing habitat in Reed Lake, and an opportunity for neighbors to connect and refresh themselves with baked goods and fresh apple cider at the Reed Orchard.

In addition to orienting participants to activities along their creek, the tour was designed to introduce Portlanders to the brand new Crystal Springs Creek Walking Tour map, which will enable you take a self-guided tour of the creek any time you like. See the description of the map here. The map will soon be available at several local businesses and civic institutions. Keep an eye on our home page for information about where you can pick up the map, join in a creek-related activity, or get involved with the Partnership!