The second annual Salmon Festival at Westmoreland Park was different than last year's, which was also the Grand Opening of the newly restored Westmoreland Park. This year it was was paired with the Tilikum Crossing Sunday Parkways event, which brought many more participants by over the course of the day. There was much less formal program, speeches etc, more enjoying the day and interesting activities. Many of the booths had particularly engaging displays and activities this year.
The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission which had a great display concerning the Pacific lamprey, one of several species of lamprey to be found in the watershed (see photo below).
a project backed by 16 partners in the Portland metropolitan area, to build a comprehensive map of native Oregon white oak trees, for future conservation and restoration efforts. Using the fulcrum app, trained volunteers mark individual oak trees and stands in their neighborhoods.
I intend to download their smartphone app (I think this is the link for Android phones) and upload locations of Oregon white oak trees when I come across them.
I think the event was a success in terms of connecting the community at large with the community that is concerned with the return of the salmon and the restoration of an intact and functioning ecosystem in the watershed.
I hope to see you there next year!