I took a walk last week down the stream (Crystal Springs Creek) at Westmoreland Park to set up a photo point monitoring site there and to get a few pictures for the CSCC website and photo references for my illustrations. Photo monitoring is a method of keeping track of changes in landforms and vegetation over time, and I have a project of collecting repeatable photos of as many points on the stream as I can before the duck pond at Westmoreland Park is removed next summer (2012) and the next set of culverts are replaced about the same time. These photos are seldom scenic, but are repeatable for comparison.

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The seed pods are the fun part. As they mature they develop spring tension in the flexible case, and spread their seeds by bursting when disturbed. The riper they are, the less provocation they require. Botanists call this attribute explosive dehiscence, and there are other plants along the creek that share it with the jewelweed.